Getting started with PathoGenius®
PathoGenius® offers DNA guided, personalized medicine for wound care.
PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for ENT applications and comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics.
PathoGenius® extends rapid screen molecular diagnostics for ENT and respiratory viruses.
PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for BV as well as comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics persistent infections.
Treatments based on the application of the PathoGenius® technology are new and state-of-the-art. Thus, many physicians are not aware of the capabilities and benefits of DNA guided medicine. If you are a patient concerned about your health, Print this Flier and take it to your doctor today. Make the introduction between your doctor and PathoGenius® that could improve the quality of your life.
Click here for the patient download form.
• For a Medicare patient, most of the cost of testing will be paid by Medicare
• For a Medicaid patient, the cost of testing is paid for by many Medicaid coverage plans.
• For a Private Insurance Holder, the majority of private insurers will pay a significant portion of testing cost after a deductible payment is met.
Contact us at any time to discuss what discounts may be available to you.
A division of Southwest Regional PCR, LLC
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