Molecular Diagnostics for Personalized Medicine



Southwest Regional PCR Laboratory LLC dba Pathogenius Laboratory is a CAP accredited, CLIA licensed clinical diagnostic laboratory providing physicians and their patients with the most advanced molecular based microbial testing available.  The laboratory utilizes molecular diagnostics and specializes in next generation DNA sequencing technologies to identify pathogenic microbes within patient samples. PathoGenius® is currently licensed to provide these services in 49 of the 50 states, with New York being the exception. Most states do not require additional licensure beyond CAP accreditation and CLIA licensing.


Click below to see a current image of our license, or contact us with specific questions regarding your location.


CAP Certificate


California License

Florida License


Maryland License PRC

Pennsylvania License

Rhode Island License


More Information:



    Getting started with PathoGenius®



    PathoGenius® offers DNA guided, personalized medicine for wound care.



    PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for ENT applications and comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics.



    PathoGenius® extends rapid screen molecular diagnostics for ENT and respiratory viruses.



    PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for BV as well as comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics persistent infections.

A division of Southwest Regional PCR, LLC

Copyright © 2017. PathoGenius® Laboratories. All Rights Reserved.