Molecular Diagnostics for Personalized Medicine

More Information:



    Getting started with PathoGenius®



    PathoGenius® offers DNA guided, personalized medicine for wound care.



    PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for ENT applications and comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics.



    PathoGenius® extends rapid screen molecular diagnostics for ENT and respiratory viruses.



    PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for BV as well as comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics persistent infections.

Welcome to PathoGenius®




Personalized Health Care for Patients

Southwest Regional PCR Laboratory LLC dba Pathogenius Laboratory is a CAP accredited, CLIA licensed clinical diagnostic laboratory providing physicians and their patients with the most advanced molecular based microbial testing available.  The laboratory utilizes next generation DNA sequencing technologies to identify pathogenic microbes within patient samples.  In this way, PathoGenius® can:


-   Identify specific organisms contributing to the patient’s disease state on an individual sample

-   Provide true Personalized Medicine for physicians and their patients.

-   Provide medicinal solutions with the help of our affiliated pharmaceutical partners.


The end result has been remarkable improvements in patient outcomes as evident by our published work.


The PathoGenius® system of molecular diagnostics dramatically reduces the chance for errors in specimen collection, handling, stability, and time to analysis.  According to the Guidelines set out by the American Society for Microbiology, microbiological interpretation depends entirely on the quality of the specimen submitted for analysis. The impact of proper specimen management on patient care is enormous. Proper specimen management is the key to accurate laboratory diagnosis and confirmation.  Specimen management directly affects patient care and patient outcomes, influences therapeutic decisions, impacts hospital infection control, impacts patient length of stay, hospital and laboratory costs, and influences laboratory efficiency.  Clinicians should consult the laboratory to ensure that selection, collection, transport, and storage of patient specimens are performed properly.


Health care practitioners, contact us today to discuss how molecular diagnostics provided by PathoGenius® can bring your practice to the forefront of technological advancement.


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A division of Southwest Regional PCR, LLC

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