Getting started with PathoGenius®
PathoGenius® offers DNA guided, personalized medicine for wound care.
PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for ENT applications and comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics.
PathoGenius® extends rapid screen molecular diagnostics for ENT and respiratory viruses.
PathoGenius® offers specifically designed Rapid screening for BV as well as comprehensive bacterial and fungal diagnostics persistent infections.
At PathoGenius®, it is our mission to provide clinicians and their patients with the most informative microbial diagnostic tests that science can afford. This requires the use of the cutting edge scientific instrumentation and a team of molecular biologists, biochemists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, and physicians. We are a state-of-the-art CAP accredited, CLIA licensed Molecular Diagnostic Facility.
At PathoGenius®, we believe that molecular diagnostic services require continuous attention to professional ethics. Although the clinical laboratory focus remains primarily on pathogen detection, we take our contribution to genomic medicine very seriously. We are committed to respecting the confidential nature of all patient information, only disclosing personal health information with individual consent, and where there is a legal and ethical duty to disclose. We will maintain confidentiality in creating, storing, accessing, transferring, and disposing of personal health information. PathoGenius® has worked with Western Institutional Review Board, and works closely with customer IRB's to address ethical issues relating to human subjects research.
PathoGenius® is located on the Southeast corner of Marsha Sharp Freeway and Quaker Ave. in Lubbock, TX. Our lab space is divided into a molecular core lab, a reagent lab, general laboratory space, and a Next generation sequencing infrastructure that includes all of the latest platforms for sequencing by synthesis; including a Roche Genome Sequencer FLX 454 pyrosequencer, a Roche Genome Sequencer FLX+ (plus) 454 pyrosequencer, two Life Technologies Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machines, Ion Torrent Proton semiconductor sequencing machines, and the Illumina MiSeq personal Sequencer. We are committed by our effort to stay with up to date with world class bioinstrumentation.
If you need a facilities statement, please contact our Research Division here.
“This next generation diagnostics gets accurate and rapid results that tell me what the infections I am fighting is... Now I can help my patients and more rapidly heal their wounds. Some of these bacteria I have never heard of but the scientists at PathoGenius® help me with their tremendous education tools.”
“I was amazed! Fast and accurate Level 1 testing that gives me the overview I need to treat the patient. I know right away if the major pathogens are there (or not) and those major antibiotic resistance factors. This is followed by a comprehensive Level 2 test that defines what I am treating... Is this Star Trek?”
A division of Southwest Regional PCR, LLC
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